Friday, November 26, 2004

Have we lost our way?

It seems a shame to bring up one plain fact for everyone to remember. The thing that sets us apart has nothing to do with this gang. We could call ourselves anything we want, Hellfish just has a nice ring to it...and a complimentary tattoo. Getting a ridiculous tattoo will not make you one of us though, but it will certainly give us something to laugh at. As I was saying, the thing that makes us a gang is the thing that sets us apart...our hate. Our absolute, umitigated hatred for everyone around us is our life. I guess the reality of it is that we don't just hate you, we barely even realize you're there. You aren't even human. Your pains are not our own, and we will never know them. My digression will never fully explain this to you, but that's okay. I wouldn't expect you to understand. It is important for you to realize one thing: you cannot become a least not in the sense that you would hope. Do you think Francisco Franco became a tyrant? No, he was fucking born that way. His vast hatred was ingrained in his genetics. Could you imagine Joseph Stalin as a gardener? Of course you couldn't. Joseph Stalin was a mean motherfucker. He didn't take candy from babies, he took candy from babies then tore out their eyes so it was the last thing they saw. We're talking about evil here folks. Solid gold evil. So stop trying to be a Hellfish before someone gets hurt. Bunch of bitches.
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