Monday, November 15, 2004

Turf War

This is not a test. Earlier this afternoon a rival gang moved into our turf, waving coonskin hats in defiance. One of them even flashed me his "wagon wheel" gang sign. This manifest destiny crap is bullshit. Hellfish rally! We can't allow these colonial haters to walk without fear. Be on the lookout for their pledges attemting to infiltrate the Hellfish hierarchy. They are recruiting new members from everywhere around us...especially from the dreaded PANDA. They frequently commit any of a number of heinous acts, all of them directly offending our creed. Some can be found feigning motivation in an unmotivating environment. This pretentious behavious is unacceptable. Deal with them as only Hellfish CAN! Push them for no good reason. Make fun on their family. Get dirt on them and blackmail their ass. Worst of all their leader hides among us. Inside word is that he is slow, balding and severely myopic. Cut him down Hellfish. Then piss on him or something. Such is befitting a shrew of his reputation. No one walks on the Fighting Hellfish...least of all a fag in a stupid hat....

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